Catheter and Ostomy Supplies Covered by Insurance
Get your catheter and ostomy supplies at little or no cost to you. If you have Medicare and a secondary insurance, your secondary plan should cover any co-insurance remaining after primary coverage meaning your supplies are no cost to you! If you are still going to the local pharmacy, we can help you get the supplies you need with the benefit of direct-to-your-door FREE home delivery!
How it works: Medicare covers your medical supplies at 80% of its fee schedule after your annual deductible has been met. Annual deductibles are $198.00 and apply to all of your medical costs, such as doctor’s visits, durable medical equipment, etc. Supplemental insurance to Medicare usually covers the remaining 20% co-insurance.
The process to receive your catheter and ostomy supplies: after you complete enrollment, we will verify your insurance benefits and get a prescription from your doctor. Every three months we will mail your supplies to your home, free of charge – we just need your authorization prior to each refill. Don’t worry! We will make sure to contact you for easy reorder reminders! We accept assignment from you to bill Medicare or private insurance directly, and accept the insurance-approved fee for covered services. Our highly trained staff will handle all the submission of necessary insurance paperwork on your behalf.
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Sign up today and you will receive a free Comfort Kit to help you carry your catheter or ostomy supplies.
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